Dobrodošli na Ravesail, kjer se glasba, morje in svoboda združijo v festivalu, kot ga še ni bilo!
Welcome to Ravesail
Welcome friends, it’s already good to have you here!
Ravesail is really a one-of-a-kind journey, where the calm seas are only disrupted by our beats over the water. But it’s done in perfect balance. Designed for an intimate group of like-minded people, Ravesail is as far from a commercial festival as it could be. We’ve carefully curated the experience to make it boutique for those who actually value connection and exclusivity!
Over 4/7 days, you’ll sail with a small crew to hidden islands, surrounded by breathtaking nature. This is only going to be abrupted on every second day, when we party in the setting sun. The main concept is to have a proper luxurious sailing holiday, while weaving in the parties, to create perfect balance. It’s important for us, that it’s not only about partying, but also enjoying nature, the water, the towns, and the whole environment in general, while having almost like a house party (at your DJ friend’s place).

Ustanovili so ga trije prijatelji – Bor (levo), Jure (na sredini) in Sebi (desno) – naše potovanje se je začelo s preprosto idejo: združiti našo ljubezen do jadranja in elektronske glasbe v nepozabno izkušnjo.
Butični festival na vodi , kjer jahte postanejo oder, Jadransko morje vaša kulisa, doživetje pa je res enkratno.
V Ravesail pridete kot gost in odidete kot družina.

Ravesail vas popelje na 4 ali 7 - dnevni plavajoči festival po nekaterih najbolj dih jemajočih lokacijah v Jadranskem morju.
Predstavljajte si do 6 jaht, ki plujejo skupaj, ekskluzivne DJ setove na samotnih otokih in sončne zahode, ki se spremenijo v epske zabave pod zvezdami.
Dneve zabave izmenjujemo z dnevi za sprostitev, da boste ves čas festivala polni energije.

Pri Ravesailu ne gre za množične množice ali izgubo sebe v kaosu. Je intimen , ekskluziven in oseben .
Da bi ustvarili uravnoteženo vzdušje , želimo ohraniti enako razmerje med spoloma.
Med zabavami imamo politiko prepovedi fotografiranja , tako da lahko uživate v trenutku brez motenj.
Naši profesionalni fotografi bodo vse posneli za vas.

Naša vizija je ustvariti globlje povezave , ne le skozi glasbo, ampak tudi med seboj in z naravo.
Pred vsakim otoškim raveom organiziramo čiščenje otoka , tako da ostane čistejši , kot smo ga našli.
The heart of Ravesail lies in the music. Our events are carefully curated, with DJ sets ranging from a lighter sunset rave through drum and bass, to hard techno, taking place under the sky on floating stages, on islands or on the yachts themselves.

Rave days
On alternating days, you’ll experience one-of-a-kind day parties designed to have a proper rave experience, not like a commercial club.

Chill Days
Between the raves, you’ll have days of relaxation, exploring quiet islands, hiking, swimming, or simply enjoying the Adriatic’s beauty. We will also have the chance to visit multiple national parks, and historic cities. We really want to put an emphasis on the relaxing days, and make the event not just a floating festival, but a real holiday! Movie night, and BBQ afternoons are also on the to-do list.

Mother boat
The mother boat (catamaran) is the main boat—our floating stage, equipped with a DJ and all necessary equipment. Reserved for the crew or ther guests.

Sailboats are where all guests will stay. Each sailboat has 4 to 5 cabins, accommodating between 8 to 10 guests on board.

Cabins sailboat
Comfortable, shared cabins for two people, with enough space to relax between adventures, keep your party clothes, charge your devices, and of course get rest for the next day.

Fully equipped kitchens with an oven and a stovetop, at least one well-equipped bathroom with shower and toilet, spacious decks for sunbathing or socializing, and everything you need to feel at home on the water.

Each boat is captained by a young but professional skipper with a Yachtmaster license or a similar qualification, ensuring your safety, smooth sailing, and a top-tier experience.
Safety at Ravesail
At Ravesail, your safety is our top priority. We take multiple measures to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience for all participants.
- Professional Skippers: Every sailboat is captained by a certified and experienced skipper, ensuring smooth sailing and immediate response in any situation.
- Safety Regulations: All participants must adhere to strict safety protocols and follow the instructions of the crew at all times.
- Well-Maintained Boats: Our fleet is regularly inspected and equipped with all necessary safety gear, including life jackets, first aid kits, and emergency communication devices.
- Emergency events: In the event of unexpected situations, our team is trained to handle emergencies, and we have established procedures in place for search and rescue operations.
- Responsible Participation: Each participant is responsible for their own actions and must respect fellow attendees, the crew, and the event guidelines to maintain a safe and positive atmosphere.
- Drug Free Policy: The use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited to ensure the well-being of everyone on board.
- Weather Considerations: The organizer reserves the right to adjust the sailing route or modify the schedule in case of bad weather or unforeseen circumstances, prioritizing the safety of all guests.
By participating in Ravesail, you agree to follow all safety guidelines and take personal responsibility for your experience. Our goal is to provide an unforgettable adventure while maintaining the highest standards of safety and responsibility.
Price and itinerary
Check the price for your chosen week. Also, check if there are any discounts available.
What’s Included in the price?
Accommodation in a shared double cabin aboard one of our premium yachts (more about the boats later).
- Access to all Ravesail events, including exclusive parties and curated DJ sets.
- A selection of free alcoholic, and soft drinks to keep the energy high.
- Professional skipper for every yacht.
- Tourist taxes, insurance.
- A welcome drink to kick off the adventure.
What’s NOT included in the price?
- Deposit - on the first day, we will collect 100€ from each guest, covering the security deposit for the boat, and equipment. This is - of course - to be returned to everyone, in the likely case, of not causing damage.
- A payment of 50€ local fees, which is for refueling the boat on the last day, also for marina/harbor fees.
- Food is normally handled together with the crew, making a piggy bank on the first day.
To enhance the sense of community onboard (and as a sailing tradition), guests prepare their own meals using the yacht’s fully equipped kitchen. This ensures that everyone is getting what they expect, and doesn’t leave a chance to stay hungry. Plan to share cooking duties and enjoy meals together with your crew!
Our founder, Bor is also going to grill us some BBQ!
Deposit Details:
A refundable security deposit is required for each booking. This deposit ensures the protection of all onboard equipment and will be returned in full at the end of the trip, barring any damages.
The minimum number of applicants for a week is 33. If we do not receive enough applications, we will try to find a compromise or fully refund the payment.
How to join?
Ready to set sail with Ravesail? Securing your spot is simple:
Choose Your WEEK: Decide which week are you going to embark on, and whether you’re bringing anyone to share your cabin/boat with.
Book Online: Visit our website BOOK NOW and fill out the booking form. We’ll need a few details about you and your preferences to ensure the best possible experience.
Receive Your Invoice: Once we confirm availability, you’ll receive an invoice via email, detailing the cost, deposit requirements, and payment instructions.
Make Your Payment: Settle the invoice via bank transfer. Your deposit reserves your spot onboard, giving you peace of mind as you plan the rest of your journey.
Prepare for Departure: As the date approaches, we’ll send you more information about what to pack, where to meet, and how to best prepare for your time at sea.
From there, all that’s left is to show up, get to know your fellow travelers, and let the magic of Ravesail unfold. We can’t wait to welcome you aboard!
Oglasite se!
Radi bi slišali vaše mnenje! Ne glede na to, ali imate vprašanja, se želite pridružiti avanturi ali se samo želite povezati, se obrnite na nas.
Elektronski naslov:
Instagram: rave.sail